Saturday, January 12, 2008

Strangest thing I saw at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

Old Enemy, New Victim, by Tony Matalli, 2006
Latex resin, hair.

This has to be a mistake, I find it hard to believe that this museum feels the need, like so many today, to buy bad contemporary art. This sculpture is so weird, extremely well made, very naturalistic in a Madam Tussauds sort of way. I mean at least there is skill and craft involved, but to what end? What a stupid obvious allegory, the skinny chimp strangling the fat one; compelling visually, but just too trite. But perhaps my strong reaction is in part because this is exactly how I feel when going to Walmart; it is all I can do to keep myself from wringing the necks of the obese people there! (Just kidding, like I'm so skinny myself.)

One good thing is the installation, rather than being safely quarantined with other terrible contemporary art, it is in a gallery full of beautiful paintings, and is a strange but very interesting, juxtaposition.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What a wonderful site. Was thinking about you, so I decided to Google you. Fabulous artwork.

I don't know if you heard that Alex Knaust was arrested in England--supposedly for pilfering photos from Peter Gabriel. Don't know if she was convicted.

Give me your email address. I'm working on a book on dance and I'll email you some photos.

Best wishes,

Jim Clyne